Tuesday, November 24, 2020

6 Home Cleaning Tips To Stay Healthy During This Winter 2020

Open your windows and let the air flow. Discover here some useful cleaning tips to protect your health during winter. Read our latest infographic.

6 Home Cleaning Tips To Stay Healthy During This Winter 2020

The post 6 Home Cleaning Tips To Stay Healthy During This Winter 2020 appeared first on Maids In A Minute.

Article source here: 6 Home Cleaning Tips To Stay Healthy During This Winter 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Thanksgiving In the Times of COVID: How to Celebrate Safely

The air in Michigan is full of the Thanksgiving mood. This much-awaited day this year is posing a challenge to many residents of this great state.

With the COVID pandemic dictating new ways of doing things, it’s not a wonder that you, like many other residents here, are at a loss when celebrating Thanksgiving during the pandemic and cleaning your place after the celebration are over. But all is not lost. The epidemic doesn’t have to stop you from having a fantastic Thanksgiving Day in Michigan.

You only have to follow some essential but vital tips on how to celebrate Thanksgiving during the pandemic and clean your home after the party is over.

Celebrate at Home

The State’s Department of Health Services and Human Services recommends that families should celebrate this day at home. This containment measure is supposed to help your family to minimize the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus in large public gatherings that most Americans cherish so much.

Instead of those outdoor public events, you can find other ways of spending quality time with your family and a few friends safe during this season.

In case you decide to gather, health officials have offered the following safety measures to prevent the spread of this dreaded virus during this year’s celebrations:

  • Ensure all your family members and guests wear a face mask over the nose and mouth unless it’s practical, like during meal times.
  • Keep the recommended safe distance of at least 6 feet away from everyone who is not a member of your household.
  • Wash hands often.
  • Stay away from anyone who looks or shows symptoms of being sick.
  • Avoid touching the eyes, mouth, and nose.
  • Limit the number of people accessing areas where food is prepared.
  • Avoid potluck gatherings or have a single individual serve all shareable food.

These are some of the vital tips given by the Michigan Health Department to help you keep your family safe during these festivities.

Do Alternatives to Your Cherished Traditions

Some creativity and imagination will help you and your family shun high-risk traditions associated with this and other celebrations. For instance, instead of the traditional in-person gatherings, you can opt to attend virtual gatherings. These kinds of meetings will not expose your family to the threat of COVID-19 viruses.

Similarly, rather than shopping in crowded stores, this time around, you can do all your shopping online.

Tips for Cleaning After Thanksgiving

Of course, post-Thanksgiving cleanup can be a challenge if you don’t have the right tips. For easy and convenient cleaning after Thanksgiving dinner, follow this advice:

Prep Before for Easier Cleaning Later

Don’t wait until the end of the dinner to scratch your head as you figure out where to start your cleaning. Prepare a list of all the post-celebration cleaning requirements, including the cleaning equipment, detergents/soap, wipes, etc. Ensure they are all available and ready for use when the time comes.

Clean as You Go

Cleaning as you prepare your meals saves you the agony of accumulating tons of utensils and surfaces to clean after the party.

 Cleaning after the Festivities

Once the celebration is over, you’ll find yourself with lesser items and cleaning chores to deal with as you tidy your space. Use these tips as a guideline for easier and faster cleaning:

  • Collect silverware, glasses, and plates and load them into the dishwasher.
  • Clear napkins from the tables.
  • Wipe the tabletop down.
  • Wash the dishes that are not dishwashable.
  • Wipe down the backlash, stovetop, and countertops.
  • Sweep your dining room, kitchen, and living room.
  • Rearrange your furniture back to their respective positions.

Get Professional Cleaning Services

Cleaning your home after a hectic Thanksgiving Day can put an extra strain on your already tired body. Instead of struggling to do all the cleaning by yourself, you can hire the services of a professional home cleaning service provider like Maids In A Minute.

Maids In A Minute is a highly competent and experienced residential and commercial cleaning company with many years of top-notch home cleaning experience. The team is fast, effective, and thorough. 

All these are 6 Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving During COVID-19 safely and clean your home with utmost ease and convenience.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day 2020 in Michigan during COVID.

The post Thanksgiving In the Times of COVID: How to Celebrate Safely appeared first on Maids In A Minute.

Article source here: Thanksgiving In the Times of COVID: How to Celebrate Safely